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Shortlist Marketing

Stay in the loop with the latest tips in B2B Lead Generation

Phil Richardson

With over 25 years of experience working with companies across sales, marketing and lead generation Phil is responsible for developing the proven lead generation methodology that is so successful with our clients.

How outsourcing can boost SDR performance

What is a buyer persona, and how to understand yours

The importance of introducing IP Tracking into your Lead Generation

Is your content attracting the right leads?

7 tips to kick start your B2B lead generation

How to identify truly-qualified leads

Why the telephone is
still your most valuable
lead generation asset

Don’t forget this!

Receive a free PDF, featuring tips in telemarketing and lead generation

Learn how to get the most from telemarketing and how it can be integrated into a multi-digital campaign to generate qualified leads. Fill in your details below to get your free guide immediately.

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